January 17, 2012

Surgery Day 2

January 17th-
Had a decent night's rest- even with nurses coming in to check on me.  I really have my pain managed and I'm doing great in phsical therapy.  Some of the exercises are difficult but I can do most without assistance. I'm already walking with just one crutch... graduated from walker, to two crutches, and now one!  Pretty exciting and crazy that I can cruise around so esasily. I am not trying to rush anything, but it's nice to see progress!  Dave and Simon visited for about an hour this morning.  Simon was a good boy and wanted to sit on my lap and give me hugs! Missing my boys but they are doing great at home without me! I think they are both taking a nap as I type. I should probably go do the same! 

A few picts from this morning's visit! 

 Daddy Diaper Time!

Business as usually- storytime, snacktime, and lap time!

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