January 26, 2012

Hip update!

Well, it's been 11 days and I am happy to report that I am really healing well!  I've had some great physical therapy sessions and I'm feeling like a normal person again! Of course I am not 100% but am mostly crutch FREE and walking really well.  I rode the bike today at therapy and it fell great! My range of motion is really good, and most exercises are possible. My one nemesis is the straight leg raise! Ugh! It's so hard!!!  Oh, and I can walk up and down stairs- one at a time too! All great things!  Auntie Debbi is here helping this week and it has been so nice to have her! She is currently mopping our kitchen floor! Don't judge! She is begging for things to do because she thinks I am doing too much! Next goal is to get back to driving. I feel 15 again because we are going to hit an empty parking lot and practice!  Ha!  Wish me luck! 

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