January 16, 2012

Hip Replacement Surgery

Time for surgery!  I can't believe how quickly the day came for my hip replacement. At one point it seemed like it would never come, or that I wouldn't go through with it! The days leading up to Monday were a little crazy. We had to majorly coordinate Simon because our plan "A" fell through. Once we had him taken care of, my mind was a little more at ease.  Aside from Monday being the first morning he woke up without either Dave or myself being there, everything worked out great!

Day of surgery- January 16th 2012

5am Leave the house

5:30 Check in to hospital

7:30 Anesthesia came in... This is when I started to get scared!  Thankfully I was aready hooked up to an IV so the anethesiologist nipped my crying in the bud with a little of the "I don't care" medicine!  Crazy how quickly I turned around! 

Look! I'm ready to go!!! Pretty sassy gown huh?

8:00-9:00 Surgery time! One hour to put a newip in! Yikes

The rest of the day was definitely a blur!  I was doped up from the anesthesia and on a pain killer that made me sick all day! Not so awesome.

Although I was aware enough to enjoy the beautiful flowers from our friends, the Koons Family :)

We finally stopped the sicky meds and switched to morphine! Wowser- that stuff is crazy. I would be talking to someone or texting, and then would literally fall asleep mid sentence! 

And I enjoyed a delicious meal of grilled cheese, chicken noodle soup and chocolate chip cookies!!!

Dave and Simon visited, and left so I could get some rest.

It was a crazy day, but a successful one!

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