January 26, 2012

Auntie Debbi's visit!

We are so lucky to have CA family that loves us so much they come all the way to KY to help during my recovery! My Auntie Debbi has been here since Sunday! She's determined to get all my laundry done, mop, vacuum, cook, chauffer, walk the dogs, etc! She recently retired so I think this visit is helping keep her busy!!!  It's been so nice to have the extra set of hands and nice to just visit too!  I'm feeling great so we've been able to have some fun, too! 

Last night we went out to eat at the Hoffbrau Haus in Newport- one of our favorite places to take guests! Mr. Simon had other plans, however and in true TODDLER (what happened to my perfect baby) STYLE, he threw a major fit and wouldn't eat or sit in his high chair long enough for us to enjoy ourselves! We all scarfed our food and wisked him away as soon as we could! Ugh!!!

 Don't let this one fool you... little devil child came out shorty after the picture was taken!!!

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