January 10, 2012

15 Months!

Wow! Another milestone... Simon is 15 months old today and we cannot believe it!  Where did our little baby go?  Here's a little snipit of what our day has been like...

6:30 am
Woke up for breakfast, where he wanted to sit in a chair like a big boy...

8:00 am
After getting dressed, it was time to tear up his room, play area, and laundry basket... Can you find Simon?!!! Hint: Follow the messy trail :)

(Notice the 2 EMPTY shelves!)

Oh, Hi! Were you looking for me???

10: am
We headed to story time, where I spent about 25 out of the 30 minutes, chasing Simon around the library. Even the singing and dancing wasn't enough to keep his attention. All he wanted to do was pull books off the shelves. I didn't go to the gym this morning, but I sure got a workout! 

11:30 am
Lunchtime... Mr. All-of-a-sudden-picky-boy didn't want anything mom made- not a turkey sandwich, no PB&J, etc, so he settled for some grapes, cheese and apple sauce.

Simon cruised around the house and played with all the things mom tries to keep away from him, like cords, purses, phones, remotes, etc.

Back to terrorizing his room and toys until we had a minor meltdown!

NAPTIME! Phew... time for a little break, and blogging :)

Can't wait until he wakes up for more Adventures with Simon! 

1 comment:

  1. Ha!! This is funny!! Happy month day, little buddy. Hope next week goes well for you. We will be thinking about you and hoping for a fast recovery...
