January 8, 2012

Still chefs at heart...

I remember so many people telling us that once Simon was born, our creativy in the kitchen would disappear!  I have to say that it is mostly true for me... I am a big fan of keeping things simple and getting a yummy (but not so creative) dinner out for us all to enjoy together. I am learning new tricks for hiding vegetables in things, but aside from that, I keep it simple.

Dave, on the other hand, still likes to "go out on a limb"- as he puts it.  He's always coming up with some creative and beautifully plated dish for us to eat!  The other night we had these amazing burgers and fresh cut french fries!  I am a lucky girl to have a hubby that loves to play with food and create delicious meals for us!

Now we just need Simon to start enjoying meat, too! So far he won't touch it with a 10 foot pole!

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