January 20, 2012

15 month check up!

Today was a busy day... mom had her 1st physical therapy appointment, and then I had my 15 month check up. Of course, I decided that I didn't want to take an afternoon nap, so my doctor got to see a new side of me... CRANKY, WHINY, TEMPER TANTRUM boy!  Oh well! I like to keep things exciting for mom and dad! Actually, when the nurse was taking my measurements, I was really great. It was waiting for the doctor that set me off! Why are they always running behind?!!! 

Doc says I'm lookin' good. Still average height (31 1/2 inches) and weight (25 pounds), and rocking the above average head! I know, I know, it's the big brain!  Go on, gush away at how smart I am!

The doctor talked to my mom and dad about something called a "timeout", and I did not like the sound of it! I hope I don't get one anytime soon :)

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