January 31, 2012

Zoo Day in January!

Well, it was 63 degrees today in beautiful Northern Kentucky/Cincinnati... so we went to the zoo with some friends!  Saw a few new things today... a peacock with it's feathers all flumed, a polar bear scratching his armpit, the cougar pacing, and a lion roaring. Very fun way to spend the morning! 

Simon watched a "big boy" playing with a stick, and of course had to give it a go!  Awesome...

 Always snack time!

No high chairs available at lunch so we had to be a big boy and sit in a real chair!

Simon was obsessed!
 Love lions :)

Finally, something his size!

Simon's buddy, Mason

The Crew- Michael, Lola, Simon and Mason

Scratching his armpit!

January 30, 2012

Auntie Debbi left today :(

It's bittersweet because we had a really good time but this means I am back at it and ready to take care of myself, and the boys, again!  We ended our trip with an afternoon away... went to Findlay Market, and then Molly Malone's Irish Pub to celebrate our visit!  Fun times!  Oh, and I think the dogs will miss her the most... she took them for hour-plus walks and let both sleep with her on the bed, every night! 

Yum yum! What a perfect way to end our visit!!!

"The Adventures of Super Simon" continued...

Uncle Bruce's "Adventures of Super Simon" continue in another thriller...

We love getting these awesome surprises from Uncle Bruce! For those of you who missed, part one, see below...

January 26, 2012

More museum fun, with Auntie Debbi!

It's not just adults that get cabin fever around here! Mister Simon needs to romp around!  We went to the museum this morning before therapy so the little guy could play, and make a mess of something other than his playroom!

Wrong way down the slide!!!

 Break time!

Somebody has got this relaxin' position down! He looks to comfy!

Auntie Debbi's visit!

We are so lucky to have CA family that loves us so much they come all the way to KY to help during my recovery! My Auntie Debbi has been here since Sunday! She's determined to get all my laundry done, mop, vacuum, cook, chauffer, walk the dogs, etc! She recently retired so I think this visit is helping keep her busy!!!  It's been so nice to have the extra set of hands and nice to just visit too!  I'm feeling great so we've been able to have some fun, too! 

Last night we went out to eat at the Hoffbrau Haus in Newport- one of our favorite places to take guests! Mr. Simon had other plans, however and in true TODDLER (what happened to my perfect baby) STYLE, he threw a major fit and wouldn't eat or sit in his high chair long enough for us to enjoy ourselves! We all scarfed our food and wisked him away as soon as we could! Ugh!!!

 Don't let this one fool you... little devil child came out shorty after the picture was taken!!!

Hip update!

Well, it's been 11 days and I am happy to report that I am really healing well!  I've had some great physical therapy sessions and I'm feeling like a normal person again! Of course I am not 100% but am mostly crutch FREE and walking really well.  I rode the bike today at therapy and it fell great! My range of motion is really good, and most exercises are possible. My one nemesis is the straight leg raise! Ugh! It's so hard!!!  Oh, and I can walk up and down stairs- one at a time too! All great things!  Auntie Debbi is here helping this week and it has been so nice to have her! She is currently mopping our kitchen floor! Don't judge! She is begging for things to do because she thinks I am doing too much! Next goal is to get back to driving. I feel 15 again because we are going to hit an empty parking lot and practice!  Ha!  Wish me luck! 

January 20, 2012

15 month check up!

Today was a busy day... mom had her 1st physical therapy appointment, and then I had my 15 month check up. Of course, I decided that I didn't want to take an afternoon nap, so my doctor got to see a new side of me... CRANKY, WHINY, TEMPER TANTRUM boy!  Oh well! I like to keep things exciting for mom and dad! Actually, when the nurse was taking my measurements, I was really great. It was waiting for the doctor that set me off! Why are they always running behind?!!! 

Doc says I'm lookin' good. Still average height (31 1/2 inches) and weight (25 pounds), and rocking the above average head! I know, I know, it's the big brain!  Go on, gush away at how smart I am!

The doctor talked to my mom and dad about something called a "timeout", and I did not like the sound of it! I hope I don't get one anytime soon :)

January 19, 2012

Hanging at home

It seems like 2 days in the hospital was forever, although looking back we stayed longer when Simon was born! I guess it was just hard to be alone for 2 days, missing my boys!  I was discharged on Wednesday and was feeling pretty good. The hardest part is managing my pain because taking pain pills makes me sick :(

Looks like we'll be doing a lot of this over the next week or so!  PJs and playing inside!  It's hard to be home and not totally able to take care of Simon, and the house; but Dave is doing a great job!  Simon seems to understand that mommy can't do it all!  Such a smart boy! Here's to getting back on two feet REALLY soon!

January 18, 2012

Surgery Day 3

I'm going home! Woo woo! I had my last PT session here at the hospital and even got a shower today! I can do most things on my own and I'm feeling pretty independent and ready to get home. I know it won't be as restful with Master Simon around, but at least I will be in our house!  Dave is working hard at his Mr. Mom role! He and Simon are at Simon's first music class this morning and I can't wait to hear how it went.  Maybe I will be able to take him next week!

Hopefully everyone works fast to get me out of here today!  Shouldn't be too much longer!  So thankful for all the prayers and encouragment I've received over the last 3 days!  The doctors and nurses here at West Chester Hospital were all wonderful!  Feeling extremely blessed and ready to get on with life and my new hip! 

January 17, 2012

Surgery Day 2

January 17th-
Had a decent night's rest- even with nurses coming in to check on me.  I really have my pain managed and I'm doing great in phsical therapy.  Some of the exercises are difficult but I can do most without assistance. I'm already walking with just one crutch... graduated from walker, to two crutches, and now one!  Pretty exciting and crazy that I can cruise around so esasily. I am not trying to rush anything, but it's nice to see progress!  Dave and Simon visited for about an hour this morning.  Simon was a good boy and wanted to sit on my lap and give me hugs! Missing my boys but they are doing great at home without me! I think they are both taking a nap as I type. I should probably go do the same! 

A few picts from this morning's visit! 

 Daddy Diaper Time!

Business as usually- storytime, snacktime, and lap time!

January 16, 2012

Hip Replacement Surgery

Time for surgery!  I can't believe how quickly the day came for my hip replacement. At one point it seemed like it would never come, or that I wouldn't go through with it! The days leading up to Monday were a little crazy. We had to majorly coordinate Simon because our plan "A" fell through. Once we had him taken care of, my mind was a little more at ease.  Aside from Monday being the first morning he woke up without either Dave or myself being there, everything worked out great!

Day of surgery- January 16th 2012

5am Leave the house

5:30 Check in to hospital

7:30 Anesthesia came in... This is when I started to get scared!  Thankfully I was aready hooked up to an IV so the anethesiologist nipped my crying in the bud with a little of the "I don't care" medicine!  Crazy how quickly I turned around! 

Look! I'm ready to go!!! Pretty sassy gown huh?

8:00-9:00 Surgery time! One hour to put a newip in! Yikes

The rest of the day was definitely a blur!  I was doped up from the anesthesia and on a pain killer that made me sick all day! Not so awesome.

Although I was aware enough to enjoy the beautiful flowers from our friends, the Koons Family :)

We finally stopped the sicky meds and switched to morphine! Wowser- that stuff is crazy. I would be talking to someone or texting, and then would literally fall asleep mid sentence! 

And I enjoyed a delicious meal of grilled cheese, chicken noodle soup and chocolate chip cookies!!!

Dave and Simon visited, and left so I could get some rest.

It was a crazy day, but a successful one!

January 11, 2012

Fingerpainting fun

Trying to get Simon to sit and concentrate on anything for more than 14 seconds at one time is challenging.  So, today I strapped him in is high chair and made him fingerpaint with me! Ok, I didn't MAKE him, but I wanted to do something "relaxing" for a change!  Although the pictures don't make it look like it, he enjoyed himself and created a few more masterpieces!

Of course, he wanted to eat the paint... 

Not 100% sure about this stuff 

I think this is the first official handprint we have...
yes I am a bad mom and don't have one from when he was born ;) 

I see a penguin in this one... and of course he meant to do it!!!