February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day Fun at the Aquarium

Lucky for me and Simon, Dave has a very flexible work schedule. So, when mommy woke up on the wrong side of the bed on V-Day... he changed his plans and decided to spend the day with us! I was just having a too-much-to-do-around-the-house-and-not-enough-time-to-do-it, kind of morning! So we decided to blow it all off and go to the Aquarium!

It may seem like we are here all the time... and we are! We have a yearly pass (thank you Auntie Susan) and Simon LOVES it!

We had to stop at Tom and Chee for some delicious grilled cheese and tomato soup first! 

Never get sick of these guys...

Hello pufferfish!

Feeding the Lorikeets.  Mommy even left with a special "treat" on her shoulder! Yuck!

The divers always wave "hi" to the kids from the tanks, but today she came over and gave Simon a High 5! He loved it and clapped afterward, so she gave him another one!

New friends!

Another view of the shark tank!

Valentine's Day fudge to end the day! Yummo! This boy loves his chocolate!

 And his daddy is ridiculous. Always smooshes the chocolate over all his teeth and smiles and says, "Man I love fudge"! I always get so mad, and laugh hysterically at the same time! Gotta love my hubby!!!


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