February 9, 2012

The "UnMusuem"

So the Contemporary Arts Center in downtown Cincinnati has an entire floor dedicated to kids!  There are only a few exhibits, but they are super fun and allow the them to explore all kinds of art!  We ventured in while Auntie Susan and Cousin Jordan were visiting and got to do an Edible Art activity, and then we romped all over the 6th floor with all the big kids! 

Simon only had a minor meltdown when mommy wouldn't let him climb all over his Vanilla Pudding Finger Painting Masterpiece, but other than that, we had a fabulous time! 

Every letter is it's own exhibit

Said Finger Painting Masterpiece :)

More fun with food!

Playing Peek-a-Boo

Loves his Auntie Susan

Hangin' tough with the big kids! Can you spot Simon? :)

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