February 20, 2012

Cincinnati Ballet

The Cincinnati Ballet put on a children's "Toy Box" performance last weekend. Although it started at 1:00 pm (aka NAPTIME), we wanted to spend some time with some friends and check it out!

Considering we made him dress up, go out to lunch, and THEN sit down for the ballet, I'd say he did a pretty good job!  We made it about halfway through the perfomance before Dave and Simon exited to the lobby! By the time I had a chance to meet them, Simon was already happily enjoying himself like crazy- running around the empty lobby and playing with Dave.  We will definitely do it again when Simon gets older- until then we'll stick to the park :)

The look on Simon's face in the picture below pretty much sums up how he felt about the whole situation :)

My Boys :)

Simon, hamming it up before we left- all dressed up!

And last but not least... Simon "Happy Tapping" just like Elmo! He loves his new shoes! 

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