February 10, 2012

16 months

So typical to say this, but we can't believe Simon is 16 months old!  All of a sudden he looks like such a big boy! His hair is growing like crazy... more in the back than in the front- but it's not a mullet yet :) No plans to cut it anytime soon! 
He is starting to say more words each day. A few favorites are:
"octopus"- his version sounds like "ah-p-s", but he tries so hard I have to count it!
and my personal favorite- "cracker" which sounds more like "cackgar", and he repeats it until he gets one!
We've been spending more time with friends that we have met at Gymboree and are really getting along with other kiddos!

He is a more picky eater than we would like, but I've had lots of success with sneaking veggies into his favorite foods- like cauliflower in his mac n cheese, butternut squash in his grilled cheese, etc. It's like having a baby again with all the purees I make, but worth it to fill his tiny tank with healthy food!

Occasionally the little guy throws a tantrum, but they are usually fixed pretty quickly. Dave and I are very lucky to have to have such a fun, outgoing, and happy little boy. The last 16 months have truly been a blessing for us.


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