January 19, 2011

Chilly January!

Hello from icy Indiana. This is day 2 of school closures, so my mom has been at home hanging out with me and taking lots of pictures and videos! We've had a busy month with going to the babysitter, turning 3 months old, rolling over for the first time, and getting cuter and bigger every day!  Unfortunately we had to put our sweet Norman dog to sleep last week. He was really sick and is much better now as he romps around in doggy heaven.  Thankfully I still have Caza to pull and tug on once I get a little bigger! I hope you all enjoy some of my recent photos.  
Love, Simon

sitting with Auntie Susan on my 3 month b-day 

not sure why mom thinks it's appropriate to always post a naked picture, but I sure do love a nice warm bath! 

all snuggled up

 saying goodbye to Norman :(

just chillin' together

me and grandma Hilda

"Mom, no more pictures!"

"Just kidding, I love the camera!" 

getting so strong! 

cute butt!

I rolled over today! Such a big boy!

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