December 30, 2011

Back to Blogger!

It's 2012 and time to come back to Blogger for our blog! To read up on the the Kennedy Klan from February 2011-December 2012 go to

February 21, 2011

A day in the life of a 4 month old!

Hello everyone! Mom has another day off from school due to the weather, so she can finally update my blog!  So much has happened since we updated last! At my 4 month check up, I weighed in at 13 pounds, 8 ounces and I am 25 1/2 inches long! I think I'm going to be really tall! In the last month, I have doubled my birth weight, rolled over, had my first cold and fever, started eating rice cereal,  sat in my Bumbo seat, got a new doggy, discovered my hands and feet, and much more! I hope you enjoy the pictures... only some of the highlights!
Lots of love, Simon Reed
My first try...
I love my Bumbo seat!

So strong
Sick boy
Like father, like son
My favorite toy... the "Fascination Station"!
Sitting up tall!
Daddy bought me a new hat!
Daddy must have said something funny!

First bites!


I can do it myself, Dad!
And I can wipe my own face!
Finally a nice (still chilly) day!
Such hard work being a baby!
My new friend, Sammy... with Caza.
Hanging with Mom
My 2nd favorite toy :)
Mom! Why do you try and dress me like the monkey on my shirt?
Something's REALLY funny!
All snuggled up with my "Stinky Tiny"!

What are these?
Rolly Polly :)
Hmmm, I think I like Tummy Time!

January 19, 2011

Chilly January!

Hello from icy Indiana. This is day 2 of school closures, so my mom has been at home hanging out with me and taking lots of pictures and videos! We've had a busy month with going to the babysitter, turning 3 months old, rolling over for the first time, and getting cuter and bigger every day!  Unfortunately we had to put our sweet Norman dog to sleep last week. He was really sick and is much better now as he romps around in doggy heaven.  Thankfully I still have Caza to pull and tug on once I get a little bigger! I hope you all enjoy some of my recent photos.  
Love, Simon

sitting with Auntie Susan on my 3 month b-day 

not sure why mom thinks it's appropriate to always post a naked picture, but I sure do love a nice warm bath! 

all snuggled up

 saying goodbye to Norman :(

just chillin' together

me and grandma Hilda

"Mom, no more pictures!"

"Just kidding, I love the camera!" 

getting so strong! 

cute butt!

I rolled over today! Such a big boy!

January 8, 2011

It's a Wonderful Life

One of our all-time favorite Christmas movies, and it certainly does apply to our life- so wonderful!  2010 was an amazing year for our new little family.  I'm sitting here reflecting on the year, especially the past 13 weeks, feeling especially lucky and blessed.  I returned to work last Monday. Sigh. If was tough to leave Simon, but we made it through the first week. We have a wonderful sitter and know he's in great hands while he's there.  Just like a good boy, Simon started sleeping through the night just in time, too! We're certainly enjoying our weekend... catching up on some rest and getting ready to do it all over again next week!  The 3 of us have had an amazing 13 weeks, and here a few pictures of Simon's first Christmas season.  
Simon meets Santa! He slept through it!

 Ladies Man! All dressed up for church on Christmas Eve.

The next few are of our Christmas Eve Dinner. Dave and I started a tradition a few years ago of making fancy, yummy recipes that we've never tried before! Soon Simon will be helping us. Dessert was my favorite!!! 

 We still love our animals!

 Sock monkey slippers! Thank you Santa!

 Christmas morning... presents from Auntie!

 Piano from Grandma Laurene.

 Chillin' at Grandma Hilda's on Christmas day.

 Simon's first swim!

Might not look like it, but he loved it!  

All wrapped up.

 Hanging with the Obermeyers in Batesville, IN.  Simon met his new buddy, Van!

Getting so good at "tummy time"

 All bundled up for a winter walk!

Our little gangsta g, ready for NYE!

Lots of love to everyone,
D,J, and S