November 3, 2010

West Coast Family Visit #1

Simon is such a lucky guy.  His Grandpa, Auntie Christina, and cousins Sofia and Madison made a long journey to come meet him.  They logged 75 hours and 59 minutes of driving time and covered 4,466.8 total miles. I'm so grateful that they took the time to come out here. I know their priority was Simon, but having some extra help, time with the girls, and getting some West Coast TLC, was amazing.  Here are some pictures from their visit- getting one with all 3 kids was nearly impossible! I also added a few from Simon's first trip to the pumpkin patch.  Enjoy!

Watching football with Daddy...

Love my ERGO carrier! Simon is snuggled up in there.

Our little (not-so-happy) pumpkin!

Smiling with Daddy!

Grandpa's first picture with Simon!

First "cousin" picture

Happy Auntie

Hands full!

Taking a walk around town

Usually I cry like crazy during "tummy time" but today I thought I would take a nap!

Caza loves his little brother

Bath time- Wahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Just hanging at the house

Happy Grandpa... and he's even smiling :)

Simon's 1st Halloween

Our little Lady Bug, treat-or-treating in Auburn, IN

This is the best one we could get of the 5 of us...

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