November 19, 2010

Jac's Mom and Donna Visit

Well, Simon finally got to meet his grandmas!  Jac's mom and Donna visited last week and loved on him like crazy.  While they were here, he had a weight check up and I'm happy to report he had gained his birth weight back and then some! We were really working on it so I was relieved!  We spent the week visiting, taking walks, eating and enjoying each other's company. Dave and I even went out to dinner one night while Simon hung out with  my mom and Donna! We had Simon "dedicated" at church last Sunday... kind of like a baptism, but not as formal.  He's growing like crazy (already looks different from these pictures) and brings so much joy into our lives!

Here are a few pictures from our visit...

Grandma's first picture with Simon!

So kissable

My favorite thing to do!

My least favorite!

Awe, poor guy!  He's actually starting to really like bath time... such a relief!

Yahhoooooo! I weighed 7.5 pounds on 11/8 so I am even bigger now!
So cute and looking like a big boy!  

My little birdie

Had to post a cross-eyed picture!

Our families, celebrating an early Thanksgiving dinner. YUM! Of course, Dave had to be a goof... and Simon is in the background enjoying dinner with us!

What is this Thanksgiving you speak of?!!! He looks so confused!

Me and dave

Jordan and Hilda

Mom and Donna

Grandma Donna loving on Simon

Our last picture before they left :(

Our new family!

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