October 21, 2010

Our First Week Home

Here are a few pictures of our first week at home as a family! Simon is off the bili blanket and doing well. We've had our first doctor's appointment, first bath, first walk, and first nap in the crib.  Yesterday we took a shopping trip to Fort Wayne and Simon was a perfect doll. He didn't make a peep the entire time! I am going to enjoy these days while they last! Enjoy the pictures. You may have seen some on Facebook, but I will continue to update this blog as the weeks go by.  I hope they go slowly so we can savour every minute with our little peanut.
naptime after I eat

daddy takes a nap

hangin' on the bili blanket, out on the porch for extra sun!

snuggled up

getting ready for our first bath

not my favorite thing!

walking with the dogs!

spoiled boys

my first nap in the crib

the shirt says it all!

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