October 21, 2010


What a surprise... 
Dave was in Chicago, working at a marathon exposition and he got home just in time for Simon to start making his arrival!  He walked in the door at 11:45 pm and my water broke at 12:00 midnight!  We called the hospital and decided to wait a few hours before going in.  From the first phone call until we left the hospital with our little man, our experience was amazing. All of the nurses made us feel so special and took great care of all three of us.  We are so glad we decide to stay with our doctor and deliver here at our local hospital.  Who'd of thought the little guy would come 2 weeks early, but it was perfect-
 a perfect 10! 

Simon Reed Kennedy
Born 10/10/10 at 7:37 pm
6 pounds, 14 ounces
20.5 inches long

Some of these pictures have already been shared, but here is the beginning of our family blog. Enjoy!

unexpected breakfast in the hospital... didn't expect to be there!

ahh, only pregnant for a few more hours

hanging with Susan and Jordan

I'm having contractions, and he's slapping my @#$, what is wrong with this picture?!!

I love you :)

"oh mom, why did you have to show this picture?"

 love getting my hair washed!

all clean and ready for my momma!

spread 'em!

tired momma... but oh so happy!

cousin jordan

the first, of many to come, diaper changes!

our little "bab boy"!

grandma Hilda

he's ours!

so little in the car seat!

our first family picture

all smiles!

home sweet home...

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