December 14, 2010

2 Month Update

Hello everyone! Can you believe it? Simon is two months old!  

His two month check up was early this week and of course, "he's perfect", says his doctor!  He weighed in at 10 pounds, 8 ounces and is now 23 1/2 inches long.  Major weight improvement from week 2, so momma and daddy we very happy!  Not that we care about the growth chart too much, but we think it's funny that he's in the 20th percentile for weight and 70th for height.  Needless to say, he will be getting his first basketball for Christmas, and shooting practice starts January 1st!  If that doesn't work out, we'll sign him up for pitching camp this summer, and we'll try baseball :) Obviously we have big plans for our little guy!

We're gearing up for Simon's 1st Christmas... so far this holiday season has been truly blessed for us.  Hard to imagine life without him.  He is starting to develop quite the personality... smiling and watching us all the time. Melts my heart every time he looks up and smiles at me!  It's just the best.  We've yet to capture a smile for the camera, but are working on it!  

Here are a few highlights from the last month or so.  

Out for a walk on a cool, fall day.

All dressed up for Veteran's Day!

Discovering the animals that hang from my tummy time mat.

 Simon met his Great Grandpa for the first time!

Full belly on my 1st Thanksgiving!

All dressed up for the town Christmas Parade. Santa Claus is coming to town!

Santa never saw my outfit because mom and dad bundled me up in this!  It's so cold here!
Aren't I cute? And oh so warm :)

We took a weekend trip to Cincinnati! 
Standing in front of the giant tree on Fountain Square.

 Mom, why do you always take pictures of me with these silly hats on???

 Oh, that's why... because I don't have any hair!!!

Bundled up in my car seat, midwest style.   

Daddy dressed me today! So cute!

My first Christmas tree! Where are all the presents?

Proud Papa :)

Close up :)

 2 months old today :)

Looks like I store all my fat in my belly!  All 10 pounds, 8 ounces of it! Ha ha ha!

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!  
D, J, and S

November 19, 2010

Jac's Mom and Donna Visit

Well, Simon finally got to meet his grandmas!  Jac's mom and Donna visited last week and loved on him like crazy.  While they were here, he had a weight check up and I'm happy to report he had gained his birth weight back and then some! We were really working on it so I was relieved!  We spent the week visiting, taking walks, eating and enjoying each other's company. Dave and I even went out to dinner one night while Simon hung out with  my mom and Donna! We had Simon "dedicated" at church last Sunday... kind of like a baptism, but not as formal.  He's growing like crazy (already looks different from these pictures) and brings so much joy into our lives!

Here are a few pictures from our visit...

Grandma's first picture with Simon!

So kissable

My favorite thing to do!

My least favorite!

Awe, poor guy!  He's actually starting to really like bath time... such a relief!

Yahhoooooo! I weighed 7.5 pounds on 11/8 so I am even bigger now!
So cute and looking like a big boy!  

My little birdie

Had to post a cross-eyed picture!

Our families, celebrating an early Thanksgiving dinner. YUM! Of course, Dave had to be a goof... and Simon is in the background enjoying dinner with us!

What is this Thanksgiving you speak of?!!! He looks so confused!

Me and dave

Jordan and Hilda

Mom and Donna

Grandma Donna loving on Simon

Our last picture before they left :(

Our new family!

November 3, 2010

West Coast Family Visit #1

Simon is such a lucky guy.  His Grandpa, Auntie Christina, and cousins Sofia and Madison made a long journey to come meet him.  They logged 75 hours and 59 minutes of driving time and covered 4,466.8 total miles. I'm so grateful that they took the time to come out here. I know their priority was Simon, but having some extra help, time with the girls, and getting some West Coast TLC, was amazing.  Here are some pictures from their visit- getting one with all 3 kids was nearly impossible! I also added a few from Simon's first trip to the pumpkin patch.  Enjoy!

Watching football with Daddy...

Love my ERGO carrier! Simon is snuggled up in there.

Our little (not-so-happy) pumpkin!

Smiling with Daddy!

Grandpa's first picture with Simon!

First "cousin" picture

Happy Auntie

Hands full!

Taking a walk around town

Usually I cry like crazy during "tummy time" but today I thought I would take a nap!

Caza loves his little brother

Bath time- Wahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Just hanging at the house

Happy Grandpa... and he's even smiling :)

Simon's 1st Halloween

Our little Lady Bug, treat-or-treating in Auburn, IN

This is the best one we could get of the 5 of us...