April 7, 2012

Easter Egg Huntin' 2012

Last year, Simon was too little to enjoy the excitement of an Easter egg hunt!  Not this year, though!  It was a foggy and chilly morning, but our neighborhood hosted a fun morning for the kids!  We busted out his new Elmo Easter basket and had a blast!  Simon loved finding the eggs, both on the ground and in other kids' baskets :)

Our 1st hunt of the season, in our neighborhood- Trolley Park

 Our Gymboree friends invited us to another fun hunt!  Eggs were filled with goldfish, animal crackers, and stickers!

Loving his Elmo basket, and trying to get a head starte!

Simon and Mason

Takin' a break

Back at it

 So many places to hide eggs!

Checking our the goods

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