April 26, 2012

Giants vs. Reds April 2012

Time for some redemption after last August's Red v. Giants game!  Giants lost the first 2 games, but Simon and I helped turn that around for game 3 of the series!  Simon wasn't 100% keen on sitting in his seat, but he loved running the bases in the kids area, and he fell asleep in his stroller while Dave and I enjoyed the end of the game... which the Giants won!!!

Simon's 1st ballgame peanut!

Actually sitting in his seat!

Learning to hit homeruns!

Or pitching fast balls!

Running the bases... not some much in order!

 Fun day at the ballpark

Night night!

April 24, 2012

An Evening at the Levee

Now that we live so close (10 blocks) to Newport on the Levee, we find ourselves there killing time, hanging out, eating food, going to the Aquarium, etc.  Tonight I happened to catch my boys just walking together. These are the moments I love in life!

April 23, 2012

I love you

Can you hear it? Mommy certainly can!
Simon saying "I love you". 

April 20, 2012

18 month doctor appointment

Super Simon's 18 months check-up stats...

Weight: 25.6 pounds- 50th percentile
Height: 34 1/2 inches- 90th
Head: 50 cm- 95th

SO the kiddo is still tall, relatively skinny, and has a huge brain!  Well at least he has a huge head!

Doctor Weghorn says he looks great on paper and in person! Yay Simon!

April 16, 2012

Moving Day... well week!

We finally closed AND moved into our new house on April 16th! It was a crazy process, of waiting and paperwork, and all the craziness of it all, but it was so worth it!  After 3 full U-Hauls (who knew we had that much stuff!) we were finally done! Simon certainly made it interesting, as I did my best to take care of him and move at the same time, and Dave pretty much unloaded the 2nd two U-Hauls on his own.  Such a stud! Ha ha ha! 

More pictures to come, some day!

April 10, 2012

Simon Reed, 18 months

Well Mr. Simon,
You are 18 months old today! I know it's so cliche, but where does the time go?  Your first year of life flew by, but the last six months, have seemed even faster! You have grown up so much, from your first steps, to your hair finally growing, and everything in between, we have cherished every day with you. Watching you grow up right before our eyes is a blessing everyday! 

Before too much more time passes, I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you about the things are are up to these days!  Here are just a few things that I want to remember about you at 18 months old:

  • You always wake up happy! Sometimes it's a little earlier than I would like, but at least you're in a good mood! You are taking one afternoon nap, and after the fun mornings we usually have, you are exhausted by nap time!

  • You LOVE stuffed animals. Your current favorites include your doggy, fox and your new Easter bunny! You are also quite attached to your blanket! You don't take it everywhere with you, but you love to carry it around the house and you sleep with it!

  •  You also love your dogs, especially Sammy!  She lets you snuggle with her and lie on her all the time!  You can also call both dogs by name and tell them apart! "Caza" sounds like "Saza", but you've got "Sammy"down pat!

  • In the last two weeks you have really expanded your vocabulary.  You are definitely starting to mimic everything we say, so mommy and daddy need to start being careful about what we say! Some of the words you use the most are:
Mama and Dadda~ of course!
Please- and you sign this one too!
Bye-bye, see ya!
Blanket- which has changed from "bi-bi, to "Binket"- so you are getting closer!
Star, Moon, Tree, Water
More, Milk, Juice, Sip, Bite, Cereal, Hummus, Cheese, Cracker, Cookie, Blueberry, Apple
Frog, Bunny, Dino, Fish, Alligator (only a mom can tell when you say this one!)
Knock, knock
Yucky, Ewe- you say this anytime you see trash on the ground or dog hair on the floor!

I'm sure there are others, but it's just so fun to finally feel like we are communicating with each other!

  • You love playing with toys, but I think your favorite things are your books! I often find you in your room, sitting on the floor, with all of your books by your side! Some favorite titles/subjects are your Bible, dinosaurs, anything with animals, Big Red Barn, Brown Bear Brown Bear, anything by Sanda Boynton, and Stellaluna!

  • You like to watch Sesame Street, Dinosaur Train, and Yo Gabba Gabba! Your favorite thing to do during the shows, is to dance alone when they sing!

  • You LOVE dancing and listening to music- everything from jazz to pop to kids' tunes!  Some of your favorite kids songs are "If you're happy and you know it", "Heads, shoulders, knees, and toes", and "Wheels on the bus"! You also try the hand/body movements with these songs!

  • Unfortunately, you have become a picky eater. You still enjoy some fruits and veggies, but it's hit and miss. I am not giving up on this one, buddy! You will enjoy broccoli one day!!!

  • You can drink from a "real" cup when sitting in your highchair, and you can feed yourself with a spoon- although it's messy at times!

  • I think my favorite thing about you is your outgoing and friendly personality.  You don't know a stranger (we will work on that when you get older)! You are always excited to walk into a room where other kids or adults are. You enjoy the childcare at the gym and at church. You LOVE Gymboree and your music class!  You are observant and social and it is so wonderful!
Simon Reed, you make everyday an adventure. We love you so much!

Here are a few snapshots and videos from the day:

Trying on sunglasses at The Levee!

Mr. Independent, walking across the Purple People Bridge, like I'm not even there!

 On his way to Cincinnati! "See ya later, bye bye"!

We love our Giants, and the Reds too!

Proof that he is a little stinker, and not a perfect baby angel!

April 9, 2012

Simon meets Will Sandifer

We were so excited to spend a few hours with Will and his parents, Jay and Em!  Jay and Dave have been friends since IU and Tahoe. Jay was our wedding photagrapher and our boys are only 3 months apart! They were visiting from Maine! We had a fun time playing and eating lunch at the Children's Musuem!

Hi 5!

April 7, 2012

Easter Egg Huntin' 2012

Last year, Simon was too little to enjoy the excitement of an Easter egg hunt!  Not this year, though!  It was a foggy and chilly morning, but our neighborhood hosted a fun morning for the kids!  We busted out his new Elmo Easter basket and had a blast!  Simon loved finding the eggs, both on the ground and in other kids' baskets :)

Our 1st hunt of the season, in our neighborhood- Trolley Park

 Our Gymboree friends invited us to another fun hunt!  Eggs were filled with goldfish, animal crackers, and stickers!

Loving his Elmo basket, and trying to get a head starte!

Simon and Mason

Takin' a break

Back at it

 So many places to hide eggs!

Checking our the goods

April 2, 2012


Simon said "Amen", after we said grace tonight at dinner :) So sweet!

Gymboree Fun

We are so lucky to have found the Gymboree here in Cincinnati! Simon and I have both made some great friends, who we get together with fairly often!  It's nice to see the same faces at our Gym classes, but even better to make real friendships with people from there, and to spend time outside of Gymboree with them too! 

Simon, Mason, and Sam

Loves the slide

Traffic jam!

Rainy Museum Sunday

What is better to do on a rainy Sunday in Cincinnati, than to head to the Children's Museum?! We actually started the day at the special "Pompei" exhibit, which was very interesting. Then we finished up with a visit to the kids exhibits!

Petting his first snake! He was so careful and gentle.


Playing with the water!  He actually managed to stay pretty dry!

Tunnel in the fish tank! Getting up close and personal!