March 24, 2012

Feeling Blessed

The weather was beautiful and we spent the day enjoying the scenery in Newport and Cincinnati. We walked the Purple People Bridge, played in the park, and had lunch together.  It was such a simple and fun way to spend time together.  So of course we had to take 100 pictures, to remember it by.  Just feeling extra lucky to have such a wonderful life together.

View of Newport, from Sawyer Point

Looks like such a big boy from behind!

Always up to something!

Better run fast, Simon! Daddy's coming for you!

Ha! He got you!

Love the piano under the bridge.

Simon did too!

Rockin' out with Daddy!

Ready for his first performance.

Enough with the camera already!

He looks so tiny compared to the arches!

Too much fun = one tired fella!

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