March 29, 2012

March 27, 2012

Best Buds

Simon and his buddy, Mason

They don't exactly understand it yet, but these two little guys are the best of buds! 
They sure are shaping up to be partners in crime! 

Checking out the view of the Cincinnati Skyline, from Newport on the Levee

March 24, 2012

Feeling Blessed

The weather was beautiful and we spent the day enjoying the scenery in Newport and Cincinnati. We walked the Purple People Bridge, played in the park, and had lunch together.  It was such a simple and fun way to spend time together.  So of course we had to take 100 pictures, to remember it by.  Just feeling extra lucky to have such a wonderful life together.

View of Newport, from Sawyer Point

Looks like such a big boy from behind!

Always up to something!

Better run fast, Simon! Daddy's coming for you!

Ha! He got you!

Love the piano under the bridge.

Simon did too!

Rockin' out with Daddy!

Ready for his first performance.

Enough with the camera already!

He looks so tiny compared to the arches!

Too much fun = one tired fella!

March 22, 2012

Goat Love at the Zoo!

We spent the morning at the zoo with our friends, Mason and Easton today! We rode the train for the first time and had a ball in the petting zoo with the goats and sheep!

Still so mesmerized with the homing pigeons!

No fear!  He gets up close and personal with these little guys!

March 21, 2012

Springtime is here!

It's official... spring has sprung and is in FULL gear here in Cincinnati! Trees are blooming, flowers growing, and the sun is shining! It's been 80-plus degrees all week and we've had to switch gears into full summer mode... sunscreen, crocs, t-shirts, shorts, etc! It's time for some outside fun!  

Trolley Park, at the top of the slide, with Daddy!

Easter Bunny Fun

Simon and I stumbled upon the Easter Bunny at the mall today!  He is semi-obsessed with stuffed animals these days so it's no wonder that the giant bunny caught his eye. As soon as I unbuckled his stroller, he B-lined straight for him!  Simon climbed right into his lap and fell in love at first sight!  I think he would have spent the rest of the day, right there, with Mr. Easter Bunny!

March 17, 2012

Cleaning with Daddy

Aparrently our little man takes after his daddy in the "cleaning house" department! Simon loves to "vacuum" and seriously gets all giddy when we turn it on!  He's not quite efficient at using the real deal, but he loves  to go get his popper and pretend! 

Sorry in advance for the pictures of Dave in his boxers, but I had to do it!!!Just a typical morning here at the Kennedy household!

March 16, 2012

17 month pics... a few days late!

Can't believe how much Simon has changed since his 1st birthday!  His hair is growing like crazy, and getting all curly, especially in the back!  He's a ham- just like his daddy! Look at all the expressions on his face- and these pictures were all taken in about 2 minutes! 

March 14, 2012

Big Boo Boo

I think this is the first real "boo boo" for our little guy.  While mom was away at the gym, daddy was in charge and low and behold, the little man tumbled down our deck stairs, and plunked is little noggin on the cement.  He cried for a second, and then was off to chasing the birds! He is a tough little guy... even with this cough he's been battling.  Check out the battle wound :)

March 13, 2012


Simon entered in "real" boyhood today! He actually needed a bath because he was so dirty from playing outside!  From head to toe, he had dirt everywhere!  We played in the backyard after dinner, and after digging up and throwing rocks (I know we shouldn't encourage that!), chasing birds, and sliding on his jungle gym, the kid was D-I-R-T-Y!  The water in the tub even turned a little brown!  So excited to all the dirty times ahead! We know this is only the beginning!

March 12, 2012

All "boy"!

I know I was egging Simon on, but if this is any indication of what it's like to raise a boy, then we are in for it!  He sure loves to say "fart"!  Obviously he takes after his daddy!

March 4, 2012

March 1, 2012

"Naked Time" at the Kennedy household usually involves Simon running out of the bathroom and looking for whichever parent didn't give him his bath. Then we proceed to chase him around for a few minutes, hoping he doesn't pee on the carpet!  Dave was out of town this evening, but Naked Time still needs to happen! Simon ran out of the bathroom and stopped at his books, and started reading!  Silly kid!  Looks like he's combining two of his favorite things... reading and being naked!